15 November 2006

I *heart* Penguin

As i mentioned before i have joined the Glass Books of the Dream-Eaters weekly novella in 10 installments. Each chapter makes a rather slim book, and the bastard that calls himself a postman each week proceeded in shoving the book forcefully inside my too small mailbox and thus breaking the spine. So instead of having what should be a rather attractive collection of books, they were being broken in different places...
I complained to the Post-Office in writing and seriously considered going there a leaving a little note in the "green book".
Well this week the book arrives and it's not folded, it's in perfect condition, and i'm thinking, wow they actually listened, as i flip the envelope in my hands i notice the huge sticker that proclaims in big capital letters: "DO NOT BEND".
It never occurred to me that others around the world might be having the same problem (my mailman has bended books before). I wouldn't expect it to work, one would have to assume that the mailman should be able to read english or be willing to give a damn. But it did work, thank you Penguin!

1 comment:

  1. sobre o que e a historia? as capas sao muito giras, parecem folhetins do seculo XIX
