17 September 2007

The Dragon is gone...

When i started reading Wheel of Time, book 9 had just came out, i actually spent an entire year reading all the books, i wasn't a slow reader back then, but his books always had to be read slow. For a year i breathed and lived in that world, and it was a time i do not regret, in fact lately i've been missing being that in love with a series, with a world...
When i heard that he was ill, i cannot even describe the feeling, and now he's gone, the man that kept me and many others entranced for eleven volumes is gone.
He put up a good fight i hear!
My sympathies go to his family who supported him through his ordeal and who now have to carry on!
Goodbye Robert Jordan, may you shelter in the palm of the Creator's hand, and may the last embrace of the mother welcome you home.

People who are far more eloquent than myself:
Wilson - Sometimes even when you’ve fought your best...
George R.R. Martin - R.I.P. Robert Jordan
From Harriet

The Funeral reports have begun creeping in:
My Journey to Robert Jordan's Funeral by Jason of DragonMount
Robert Jordan Memorial Forum by Melissa Craib of TarValon.net


  1. ooohhhhhh!!!!!!!!!! :-(

  2. Não tem nada a ver... mas já viste os bonecos que estão a dar com o Happy Meal no MacDonald's? ;op
