07 August 2007

Eye horror...

Despair has settled in... i should be planning my Rome vacation, i should be excited, but as usually they're really pushing me at work so i can't do much of anything...
Everybody is out on vacation, so right now, i'm pretty much holding everything together (this is not an overstatement...), i'm not alone here, not by a long shot but i am probably one of the few people who know what to do...
And i'm not good at explaining stuff to other people, never was, so trying to tell somebody else what has to be done is almost impossible...
I am way over my head in here and i still have a lot to do, right now i'm writing this in my lunch hour while trying to connect to a client remotely to...
I can't even think about what i'm doing without even beginning a mental list of procedures...
I was actually going to write what i was going to do...
I had an eye vessel bleed yesterday, i know that only two things do that to me, getting too much sun or stress...
Definitely stress...
Sorry folks, just needed an outlet...

1 comment:

  1. ouch! anyway remember, Rome should be stressful, you do not really need to plan for it, it´s Italy just get there and walk around and have coffee and ice cream, you can have a wonderful time with no planning. Plus, trust me, it´s Rome, the problem would be avoid historically and artistically relevant places when just walking around.
