17 July 2006

Will somebody please turn down this heat!!!

We must be going through some kind of heat wave, i sincerely hope so, because if the rest of the Summer continues as this past weekend...
Well first i predict my cat will melt, i mean look at her, this was taken this morning before it started to get really hot!!!
And me i'll probably melt as well, i refused to get out of the house during the weekend, watching TV all day long while lying in bed with the curtains down and the fan in my direction seemed like the most logical thing to do all weekend long. I didn't even read much because that would mean turning on some kind of light...
Sigh!!! Will somebody please turn down this heat!!!


  1. I second that.
    Ontem em Coimbra já chegamos aos 40º
    sniff sniff

  2. Eu passei o fim-de-semana em casa. É impossível ir à rua. Amanhã vou para Lx mas vou sair muito cedinho e venho tarde. É a úncica forma de escapar ao calor.
    Venham os livrinhos e os DVDs e o sofá da sala :)

  3. A julgar pelo dia de hoje e as temperaturas: Wish granted!! :)
