17 September 2006

Preview to London: Oporto

The first photos of the trip to London are already starting to appear on my Flickr feed, not many comments or descriptions sorry, instead i'll make a post about each day.
Day One:
On the first day we travelled to Oporto where we met up at that wonderful Tea House, Rota do Chá.
(Actually we met up at the bus station, but who's keeping tabs?)
Afterwards we were granted the honour of attending at the Surprise Sushi House Warming party of our gracious host. I'd like to take the opportunity to thank him for our stay there and for carrying my bag when we came back.
I'd also like to send a big hug to C and M for waiting for me at the bus stop, for taking me to that wonderfull tea house and for being just plain great! Thank you girls.


  1. não tens que agradecer..
    tens é de voltar :)
    muitos beijinhos

  2. Sim Sim, tens que voltar :)
