13 September 2006

London Countdown: 5 days!

Only 5 days!!!
I panic, i count the days again and again! In 5 days i'll be in London! No mistaking it!
Why am i going? All my doubts come rushing!
I shake them away, i want this, i really do!
I've been wanting to see London for years, whenever i thought of travel it was the first place that came to mind, and i'm finally going there, not only that, i'll go there with friends, a fellow book and comic lover and we'll have yet another friend and fellow book lover waiting to receive us. (J. eu vou cobrar essa de nos levares a uma das feiras :)). So what more could i want?
Well i wished X. could come join us, i'll be thinking about you sweetie!! But besides that, i couldn't wish for a better trip, even the weather appears to be welcoming us.
So panic, stay back! I'm not listening to you!

On books, well i have a selection made, so please vote on which i should take (i'm only taking one!).

Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell by Susanna Clarke

I'm still supposed to finish this book, i'm about halfway through.

Oliver Twist by Charles Dickens

This is still my best choice, i know Dickens of Dickens (hehe couldn't resist), never read any of his books, and this one came highly recommended.

Guards! Guards! by Terry Pratchett

This comes following the idea that any list of options has to have something funny! Now really, Pratchett is incredible and Ankh Morpork apparently has a lot in common with London

So place your votes folks :). The winner goes to London.


  1. I'd give Dickens a Twist.....i mean, a spin.....i mean....ah well, you get the idea.

  2. ate te levo aos canais e aos sitios do Dickens (desde que seja em horario pos laboral)

  3. Eu voto no Jonathan Strange. Foi o único que li e até gostei :)

  4. Hum... decisions, decisions... o primeiro é mto grande, o 2º é interessante, o 3º não conheço, por isso voo no 2º :P

  5. O terceiro, o terceiro. Os dois primeiros são seca, confia em mim.

  6. Eu não levava nenhumd esses três e pronto!
    Nada disso merece acompanhar-te numa semaninha de férias que se pretende descontraída.
