08 August 2006

Collorific Swap-o-rama August: Rainbow

The Wonderful swap i got from CarolineCohenour.
I over worry with swaps, constantly forget about how i should be having more fun gathering stuff than worrying about what is right or not and whether the recipient will like what i send. This Swap is a personification of why i really shouldn't worry and just have fun, i love this swap it hit many unexpected buttons, it was creative, funny and just plain great!
I loved all the little details, like matches! Never in a million years would i have thought of matches! And the little bottle cap! I do guess the meaning counts, you can't send a beer, send the bottle cap, the other person will get it :)
And My Little Pony!! OK this one i guess was just a lucky guess, since i'm a total Closet Fan of My Little Pony (hush don't tell anyone!)
And the ladybug, probably another lucky guess, i do have a thing with ladybugs, it was my nickname through high school and my best friend (and her entire family) still call me that to this very day.
I really enjoyed it, thank you so much for making me smile and at the same time giving me a big "Just Relax" tip Caroline!


  1. O meu item favorito é mesmo a pregadeira dos gatinhos. É linda!!!!

  2. sim, regra importante diverte-te (a grande utilidade das swaps é serem uma boa desculpa para se ir Às compras). e o pacote da caroline é adorável!

  3. Anonymous9/8/06 10:18

    I'm so glad you liked it! I love seeing what it looks like through your eyes. I had such fun putting it together. Hugs...
