In conversation with B. i realized i do follow a rather extensive series of Cartoons and Webcomics. Here is my quick list with a preview whenever possible of some of my current Daily Reads, it's not complete, i'll add more as i'll feel encouraged to.

I discovered Earthsong quite by accident when i was browsing Amazon, i figured any web-comic that was published really deserved a better attention, right now they're re-writing Vol 2 and you can only really access Vol 1, but it's worth a look just the same, the past story hasn't caught me... but i am eagerly awaiting them to continue with Vol 3. I couldn't find an about page, so i guess if you're curious you just might as well read a few pages...

I found Inverloch through Earthsong, and it quickly became my favourite, you should go check it out now, but prepare yourselves to become addicted. Sadly it hasn't been regularly updated, but it's still worth to check out.
Both WebComics exist in book format, if you're not interested in reading on a screen you can buy them:
Earthsong Vol. 1
Inverloch Vol. 1
Inverloch Vol. 2
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