31 December 2006

Goodbye 2006! Hello 2007!

Allow me to begin by wishing everybody the best exits and better entries (this makes a lot more sense in portuguese, trust me).
See you in 2007!
Now to everybody who reads me i'd like to let them know that 2006 will not be missed by me, against all that i expected it was not the fateful year that i predicted.
It really wasn't that bad a year, i traveled abroad for the first time, and i learned that i enjoy traveling, in fact i traveled to two countries and even planed a third but discarded that because it would just be too pretentious for a single year.
I learned origami, i matured online, but otherwise from that everything stayed pretty much the same, which is bad because i need change, for better or worse i need to be different, i still hunger for serenity and loneliness.
May i learn new things in 2007!
May i go different places, both in mind and in body!
May i struggle to change, to be better and worse!
May those i love be fortunate in their pursuits! And may those i do not love or know be fortunate as well! May 2007 be a good year to all
Farewell 2006, you passed me by too quickly, but i will not miss you!
Hello 2007, i deny fate and refuse to let you sweep me away. All things that will come with you will come from my will alone.


  1. Que tenhas tudo o que desejas!

  2. Snadra Rosa, onde andas tu? O povo quer saber de ti
