25 October 2006

TBR Blues

According to my LT bookshelf:
Books Catalogued: 544
Permanent Collection (PC): 267
To Be Read (TBR): 259
Reading: 18
Loans not included

These are the true disadvantages to having your books cataloged.
Suffice it to say that i've got the TBR Blues...

Edit: A note to the wise, remember these numbers the next time you try to pass me a book.


  1. TBR lust >>>>> TBR blues.

    Take pride in your TBR mountain, it´s yours all yours, you own it and can do whatever you want with it, when you want it.

    You are the boss, not the books.

  2. hehehe,
    o grande problema seria, se não tivesses nada para ler.
    Haja fartura, para durar muito tempo. :P
    E eu prometo, não te levo nada para leres no fds... não quero que me amaldiçoes.

  3. Sim sim, como se parássemos de te emprestar livros por causa disso, tá bem abelha :op
