11 September 2006

Where were you on 9/11?

A tag from: Aurélia.
I was having a farewell lunch for my ex-co-worker Sofia.
Our boss received an sms from a friend saying that a plane had hit one of the towers, news to which we payed no attention, when the second sms came saying that another plane hit the second tower, we expected it to be a prank and laughed at it, slowly the restaurant's mood became somber, people hurried and left, we got the sms concerning the Pentagon and we quickly left, we spent the rest of the afternoon trying to get on CNN and Sky News not being able to work at all, we ended up being sent home earlier.
Where were you on 9/11?


  1. At home, actually. Enjoying the final days of my summer vacation, at the time. I got a call telling me to tune in on the news which i did so. I was just in time to watch, live, the colapse of the second tower.

  2. Em casa, a estudar Literatura Alemã, com a televisão desligada. Só soube do que estava a contecer quando o meu irmão voltou para casa, já depois de tudo ter acontecido. Digamos que n estudei mais nada nesse dia, fiquei pasmada em frente à tv.
