28 August 2006

Back to Work!

And that's it for my two week vacations! I'm Back at Work, people will notice me showing up in Messenger a lot more.
What do i have to show for two weeks vacation? Not much, pretty sad really, but that's how it goes, i did nothing of what i had proposed myself to do and i went nowhere i wanted to go as well.
Why you may ask, well first i had to help out a friend with her pc, it was only for a couple of days, and it was fun hanging out with her :)
But what happened next was really bad. My aunt São was found dead in her apartment, i'm still having mixed feelings about this, we all knew she was sick, and we all knew she wasn't going to beat it, we just didn't expect it this soon.
The funeral was a disaster, reminded me why my father's side of the family isn't really close (not that my mother's side is close for that matter, sigh). But enough of that.

Well after that, it didn't feel right enjoying the rest of the vacations, so i just ended up mooching at home and going to the cinema when the mood at home got too unbearable. Was able to meet up with some friends, though not as many as i'd like and not as much as i'd like, mostly my fault as usual, because i was too busy mooching at home.


  1. Jinhos grandes miga e nada de ficar em casa a 'moochar'.
    Há alturas em que não apetece sair nem estar com ninguém mas nós estamos cá para ti.

  2. Já sabes que me podes vir "arranhar" à vontade ;o) (isto tem um certo ar sexual, não sei porquê..... :op)

    Qto ao cartoon, isso são TODAS as minhas 2ªs feiras!

  3. (((((((((((escalla)))))))))))))
